Firewood for Sale
We have a stock pile of MIXED & SEASONED (dried for 8 to 12 months) all hardwood: Red Oak, White Oak, Hickory, Cherry, Locust, and some Poplar mixed, graded wood "no knots" . We will deliver AND STACK MIXED hardwood: We think you will appreciate the labor saved on your part!

We have devoted a new website to firewood: Tim Corbin's Firewood Sales & Services :
Our new firewood website offers more options including wood while you are camping and firestarters/torches. Please check out our new firewood website. Email:
When the nights get chilly, you think of stacking up a few logs in the fireplace, lighting the fire and enjoying the warmth of the golden glow that has suddenly changed the atmosphere of the room from cool to warm and inviting. Or maybe it is already cold outside and you have a fire in the fireplace or a woodstove everyday to supplement the heating oil or electric thermostat in your home. Winter and summer storms also bring power outs due to fallen trees or ice storms so your fireplace or woodstove may be your only source of heat and/or area you can cook food for your family while staying warm.
Your safety is important to us so we are recommending this local chimney sweep - safety plus reasonable prices!
Some folks now have areas connected to their homes where they entertain outdoors which include a free-standing fireplace or fire pit where they can heat food and keep their guests warm in the chilly days of fall or all year 'round.
So for whatever reason, we are available to provide firewood to suit your needs in large or small quantities right to your door stacked neatly where ever you advise. We do not, however, recommend stacking wood next to your house or inside your house because of insects. We also recommend some kind of rack to keep wood off the ground and a tarp to keep it dry. Safe firewood practice as well as fall leaf litter reminds us that no combustible materials should be up next to or resting on the sides of our homes. A safe distance for firewood storage is at least 5 or 8 feet away from a residence or garage.
Learn All About Firewood at this Site: Using Firewood to Heat Your Home.
The cord is a unit of measure of dry volume used in Canada and the United States to measure firewood and pulpwood. A cord is the amount of wood that, when “ranked and well stowed” (arranged so pieces are aligned, parallel, touching and compact), occupies a volume of 128 cubic feet (3.62 m3).[1] This corresponds to a well stacked woodpile 4 feet (122 cm) high, 8 feet (244 cm) long, and 4 feet (122 cm) deep; or any other arrangement of linear measurements that yields the same volume.

Question: What wood species gives off the most heat? You will get the best results and more heat per wood volume when burning the highest density (heaviest) wood you can find. Dense firewood will produce the highest recoverable BTUs but all wood must be "seasoned" for best results. Seasoning lowers the moisture content and less energy is used to drive off water which limits heat efficiency.
Many of these heavy woods have excellent burning properties during the three stages wood goes through when burned.
The final "coaling" stage is very important for sustaining heat over time. All of the best, and usually hardest and heaviest, wood species have excellent coaling properties as they continue burning after initial moisture and all gasses are driven off.
Answer: Seasoned wood with significant density will increase heat production. Trees considered to be deciduous (lose their leaves in winter) and more specifically hard hardwoods tend to be a more dense wood and will burn hotter and longer than trees considered to be evergreen or softwood (there are some exceptions). Firewood also tends to burn hotter when seasoned under a shelter to reduce the moisture that drives off heating as wood burns. Wood heat value is measured in BTUs or British Thermal Units. The higher the BTU value, the more heat you get per unit of wood. I have developed a chart of the most common species and their heating value based on density, weight, BTUs and coaling ability.
Here is a list of the best and worst tree species ranked by their total ability to establish and retain heat:
Five Best Burning Tree Species: •Hickory - 25 to 28 million BTUs/cord - density 37 to 58 lbs./cu.ft.; •Oak - 24 to 28 million BTUs/cord - density 37 to 58 lbs./cu.ft.; •Black Locust - 27 million BTUs/cord - density 43 lbs./cu.ft.; •Beech - 24 to 27 million BTUs/cord - density 32 to 56 lbs./cu.ft.; •White Ash - 24 million BTUs/cord - density 43 lbs./cu.ft.
Five Poor Performing Tree Species: •White Pine - 15 million BTUs/cord - density 22 to 31 lbs./cu.ft.;•Cottonwood/Willow - 16 million BTUs/cord - density 24 to 37 lbs./cu.ft.;• Basswood - 14 million BTUs/cord - density 20 to 37 lbs./cu.ft.;•Aspen - 15 million BTUs/cord - density 26 lbs./cu.ft.
NOTE: All wood is a MIXED assortment of Oak, Hickory, Cherry, Locust & some Poplar completely dry seasoned ready to burn.
If you purchase two 4'x 8' x 16" s I will give you a coupon for $100.00 off on your next tree service job over $1000.00.
Please see Pay On Delivery Order Form Below or PayPal-Use Any Credit Card Order & Pay Form below.
You may change quantites when you get to PayPal.

The Order Form below is used to ORDER Firewood, Kindling & Tarps.
Both of these will give you a confirmation page AND we will contact you personally about your order or purchase.
The SHOPPING CART below is to Order AND PAY. When you get to the 4th page you will still need to Click on the BUY Now Button to go to PayPal where you can select your quantity if more than ONE or pay with your PayPal OR your Own Credit Card. We are no longer supplying FULL CORDS. Thanks! Tim
BUY Firewood 4' x 4' x 16" about 150 pieces $200.00
Your delivery Address is in VA, MD, DC
Your delivery Address is in VA, MD, DC
Immediate availability
$ 200.00

BUY Firewood: 4' x 8' x 16" split & stacked about 300 pieces of wood $350.00
Your delivery Address is in VA, MD, DC.
Your delivery Address is in VA, MD, DC.
Immediate availability
$ 350.00

Buy 1 Bundle KINDLING $20.00
Must also Buy Firewood
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Must also Buy Firewood
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Immediate availability
$ 20.00

BUY 2 Bundles Kindling $40.00
Must also Buy Firewood.
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Must also Buy Firewood.
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Immediate availability
$ 40.00

BUY 3 Bundles Kindling $60.00
Must also Buy Firewood.
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Must also Buy Firewood.
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Immediate availability
$ 60.00

BUY 1 Tarp $21.00
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Immediate availability
$ 21.00

BUY 2 Tarps $42.00
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Immediate availability
$ 42.00

BUY 3 Tarps $63.00
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Your delivery Address is in Virginia or Washington DC or Maryland.
Immediate availability
$ 63.00